Home News India Youngest Sikh to Climb Mount Everest is Guribadat Singh at age 17

Youngest Sikh to Climb Mount Everest is Guribadat Singh at age 17

Youngest Sikh to Climb Mount Everest is Guribadat Singh at age 17

The Youngest Sikh to Climb Mount Everest is Guribadat Singh at age 17, Who climbed the highest peak on May 21, 2013.

In His own Words “By gods grace I have climbed mount everest on 21st may 2013, I faced many difficulties in climbing Mount Everest. My hair were frozen on the way to summit 29000ft due to the harsh climate (-37degree temp), and my sherpa (guide helper) said that he has to cut my frozen hair otherwise it would get worst but even in those conditions i didn’t get my hair cut i faced many more difficulties i am proud to be a Sikh and did not give up my proud religion.”