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World Sikh Parliament starts its operations from France

World Sikh Parliament starts its operations from France

PARIS – The Historical First general meeting of members of WSP was held in Paris from 29 to 30 September 2018.

The meeting started with Ardass under the divine light of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was conducted under guidance of the “Five Singhs” thus reviving the Panj Pardhani Khalsa traditions and the concept of Miri and Piri where decisions are taken as per directions of Gurbani.

Sikh Parliamentarians from different countries including USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Holland, France, Italy, and other European countries, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Singapore actively participated and provided valuable input in the decision making process. Large number of community members witnessed the transparent proceedings and decision making process. The following important decisions were taken in the meeting:

1. Structure and Rules for the organization were unanimously approved and positions in the organization were filled to make Supreme Executive Committee (SEC), 10 Councils and 5 Regional Parliaments operational. 125 members from various nations were chosen for Supreme Executive Council. More positions will be filled later when more members will be included. More information will be shared at the organization website.

2. An Advisory Council of specialists with the field of specialization such as Solicitors, Doctors, Engineers, Business men, Farmers, Industrialists Accountants, Educationists Defense Specialists, Economists,Historians, Media and ITI experts etc. will be made soon.

3. Sikh institutions throughout the world will be persuaded to switch over to a selection system, reinstating the concept of Miri and Piri, making a World Gurdwara Management committee, with uniform set of rules for preachers to keep the community united. It was also decided to establish a Sikh World Bank.

4. It was decided to fully support all Sikh organizations/individuals from Punjab/India who are working day and night for unity and Chardi kala of the Khalsa Panth.

5. Members well recognize that the RSS operating with the Brahmnical doctrine of “Hinduvta” has definite plans of suppression of Sikhs and and other Minorities in India.

Sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or any holy scriptures is a most heinous crime. Parkash SinghBadal as state Chief minister partner of BJP/RSS and Sumedh Saini, the then DGP are directly responsible for this and cold blood murder of peacefully protesting Sikhs as per findings of Justice Ranjit Singh report. Punjab/Indian government should immediately arrest and punish them without any further delay.

6. Panthik leaders running the Bargari morcha should invite and embrace all Farmers, Shiklighar, Backward/Scheduled casts/tribes, down trodden classes and all minorities including Christians, Muslims, Jains and Buddhists to Bargari because Guru Granth Sahib is common heritage of the entire mankind.

Indian authorities should stop torturous, cruel and inhuman treatment of Sikh Political Prisoners and immediately release all who have completed their prison sentences including Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara Jathedar Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, the spiritual leader of 30 millions Sikhs.

The World Sikh Parliament (WSP) is established to represent, at national and international levels, the interests of the Sikh Nation, Sikh communities and Sikh organizations around the world, irrespective of their of cultural, linguistic and social background. The WSP will deploy whatever resources needed to promote the social, religious, political, linguistic, human and environmental rights of Sikhs across the world and to promote Sikh empowerment and SikhSovereignty.