Home News Sikhs Virginia Gurdwara violates Amrit Sanchar Maryada

Virginia Gurdwara violates Amrit Sanchar Maryada

Virginia Gurdwara violates Amrit Sanchar Maryada

Virginia – In a mockery of the historic Amrit sanchar more than three centuries ago, Gurdwara Sikh Sangat of Virginia has prohibited the maryada by preparing the pahul rejecting the banis from Sri Dasam Granth Sahib.

The blasphemous event took place on 15th April at Gurdwara Sikh Sangat of Virginia by Kuldeep Singh , who is a follower of the pseudo scholar Prof. Darshan Singh.

The so called Amrit Sanchar cermony was carried out with first 13 Angs of Guru Granth Sahib ji being read, instead of the required five banis that also include Jaap Sahib, Tve Prasaad Svaye, and Chaupai Sahib. Furthermore, the Sikh code of conduct and maryada was totally disregarded and new guidelines were delivered:

  • Nitnem from first 13 Angs of Guru Granth Sahib ji including Jap, Sodar, So purakh and Sohila
  • Ardaas to be started with “Pritham Akal purakh simar ke” and concluded with “Tu samrath agam agochar jeo pind teri raas..”
  • Amrit Sanchar Khande dee pahul to be prepared with Banis of Jap, Sodar, So purakh, Sohila and Anand Sahib.

The Sikh community needs to be vigilant against continuous onslaught on the sacred Sikh traditions, and reject the message being spread by the heretical Ragi and his band of atheist riffraff.



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