UK Sikh activist Avtar Singh Khanda dies in mysterious condition

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Sikh activist from UK, Avtar Singh Khanda has passed away in mysterious condition. He reportedly died at Birmingham City Hospital at around 12:45 am (IST) on June 15.

Severely targeted by the Indian media and continuously demonised with fake stories by an army of Indian Twitter bots, Bhai Avtar Singh Khanda was the humble activist who calmly took it all in his stride.

Bhai Avtar Singh passed away earlier today in Birmingham and there’s no denying the circumstances were extremely sudden and mysterious.

Avtar Singh was the son and nephew of Saheed Singhs and was not just born into the Sangarsh, he lived and breathed it.

Despite his condition, Bhai Avtar Singh Ji Khanda Azaad managed to relay one final message to sangat (Sikh congregation) before his passing, which you can see below.

Sikhs orgs demand “urgent investigation”

The Sikh Council UK are among various organisations demanding a “postmortem examination” and “urgent police investigation” into the mysterious circumstances around the death of Bhai Avtar Singh Ji Khanda Azaad.

sikhcounciluk khanda

In a statement on the issue, the Sikh Federation UK stated that such incidents mean “Indian authorities must carry the blame” for Avtar Singh’s death, due to the “immense mental and physical strain” caused to Avtar Singh for his work exposing India’s anti-Sikh human rights abuses, “especially to someone (allegedly) terminally ill with blood cancer which is being reported by the same Indian media (who were demonising him).” The community legal and political advocacy group also highlighted the presence and influence of India’s notorious NIA (National Investigation Agency) in the UK, which includes an ongoing attempt to criminalise Sikhs by circulating their pictures – which many feel is illegal – for simply attending a protest outside the High Commission.

World renowned humanitarian group Khalsa Aid also called for an “investigation and full coroner’s report” into Avtar Singh’s passing, in a letter sent directly to the West Midlands Police, whom cover the Birmingham area. Head of the aid charity, respected Sikh figure Ravi Singh, underlined a request from Avtar Singh’s family “that a postmortem be carried out urgently” whilst also highlighting that “foreign powers” have previously carried out assassinations in the UK using poison, specifying infamous incidents with “Russian death squads”.

khalsaaid khanda death

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