In her discussion with Sikh representative, She spoke to Bawa Singh Jagdev, Secretary, Sikh Council of Australia. Bawa Singh Jagdev told SMH that
Wearing a turban and a beard has made many Sikhs a target of bigotry and racism.
But the secretary of the Sikh Council of Australia says that much of this is due to people not understanding what the turban represents.
Jagdev says when he was in the education system as a physics teacher, students did not see him as a person – they saw a turban and were curious to find out who he was and what he was wearing.
Bawa Said that Sikhs have been mistaken for the Taliban and Muslims, ”and the community has suffered a lot”. But he has dealt with the remarks and vilification by explaining that the turban is a cultural tradition for Sikhs and has nothing to do with religion. He tells people that Sikh men do not cut their hair, and the turban is a way of keeping it under control.
At this point, it is also be advised that back in 2007, Bawa Singh Jagdev had also told to various Newsmedia that Sikh students should not be alllowed to wear kirpans at schools.