Home News Australia Tony Abbott is sworn in as PM and vows to go straight to work

Tony Abbott is sworn in as PM and vows to go straight to work

Tony Abbott is sworn in as PM and vows to go straight to work

TONY Abbott pledged to try to “not leave anyone behind” as he was sworn in as Australia’s 28th Prime Minister.

Mr Abbott was sworn in by Governor-General Quentin Bryce at Government House, with wife Margie and daughters Louise, Bridget and Frances looking on.

His parents Dick and Faye, and sisters Christine Forster and Pip Abbott, were also there to witness the moment.

Ms Bryce noted the “great responsibility” Mr Abbott was taking on as Prime Minister and wished him the very best.

“Thank you so much, Excellency,” Mr Abbott said.

– See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/election-2013/tony-abbott-is-sworn-in-as-pm-and-vows-to-go-straight-to-work/story-fn9qr68y-1226721779607#sthash.sewZSPti.dpuf

Mr Abbott’s 18 cabinet ministers, 11 ministers and 12 parliamentary secretaries were sworn in shortly afterwards, and are now all officially on duty.

The Prime Minister has vowed to get straight down to work today, chairing a full ministerial meeting and a meeting of his new cabinet.

On the official first day of his government, he will issue instructions to commence his “Operation Sovereign Borders” asylum-seeker policy, and to scrap the carbon tax.

Mr Abbott said he would govern “for all Australians, including those who didn’t vote for us”.

“We won’t forget those who are often marginalised, people with disabilities, indigenous people and women struggling to combine career and family,” he said.

“We will do our best not to leave anyone behind.”

Mr Abbott said it was an honour to serve the nation.

“We aim to be a calm, measured, steady and purposeful government that says what it means and does what it says,” he said.

“We hope to be judged by what we have done, rather than by what we have said we would do.

“We are conscious of the ideals of duty and service, exemplified by our Queen, whom you (Ms Bryce) have so graciously represented here in Australia.

“And we will not spare ourselves, we will not spare ourselves, in order to deserve the trust placed in us this day.”

Mr Abbott’s predecessor Kevin Rudd said via Twitter his time as prime minister was now officially over.

“With Mr Abbott’s swearing in today I cease formally to be prime minister. Thank you Oz for the opportunity to serve. KRudd,” he said.

He said he was now headed overseas with wife Therese to visit China, the US and UK.


Source: The Australian