Tag: sikh activist

Sikh Activists to convene Panthic assembly on sacrilege

Fed up with dilly-dal­ly­ing and lackluster ap­proach of Sikh bod­ies and po­lit­i­cal parties, Sikh ac­tivists have come to­gether to con­vene a Pan­thic As­sem­bly on 20-21 Oc­to­ber 2018 in Am­rit­sar Focusing on sacrilege onslaught...

UK Police raids Sikh homes over ‘extremist activity in India’

Concerns have arisen about how West Midlands police raided homes across Coventry, Leicester and Birmingham over concerns of 'extremist activity in India'. The alleged raids on Sikh homes comes just after the Sikh...

British Sikh Activitst detained in India for ‘influencing the youth through social media’

British Sikh Jagtar Singh Johal holidaying in India has been arrested and detained, accused of “influencing the youth through social media”, a Sikh group said. Jagtar Singh Johal from Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, had a sack...

Sikh activist Joga Singh Khalistani passes away

Ludhiana: Battling for life from last three months, the Sikh activist Joga Singh Khalistani died at Dayanand Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) on Thursday. It may be recalled here that Joga Singh and...

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