Tag: manjit singh gk

DSGMC Suspends Ex-President Manjit Singh GK’s membership

The general house of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) on Friday suspended its former president Manjit Singh GK from the membership of the Gurdwara body. GK was elected as a member...

Manjit Singh GK led JAGO party to support BJP in Delhi polls

New Delhi - The newly formed Jag Aasra Guru Ott (JAGO) party led by Manjit Singh GK on Wednesday announced its support to the BJP in the forthcoming Assembly election in Delhi. The...

Former DSGMC Chief Manjit Singh GK expelled from Akali Dal Badal

In a body blow to the Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal af­ter its hu­mil­i­at­ing de­feat in the gen­eral elec­tions in Pun­jab, for­mer DS­GMC chief Man­jit Singh GK posed ques­tions about the SAD pol­icy lead­ing...

Fresh Elections for DSGMC leadership announced

Amidst cor­rup­tion al­le­ga­tions and spars be­tween Pres­i­dent Man­jit Singh GK and Gen­eral Sec­re­tary Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa, DS­GMC sends manda­tory no­tice to Gur­d­wara Elec­tion Com­mis­sion to con­sti­tute new Ex­ec­u­tive Com­mit­tee. Manjit Sigh GK announced elections to...

DSGMC President Manjit Singh GK hands over charge to Kalka

DELHI - Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) president Manjit Singh GK on Tuesday said he had only handed over the charge to senior vice president Harmeet Singh Kalka and not quit his...

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