Tag: Basics of Sikhi
Basics of Sikhi Founder Bhai Jagraj Singh passes away
Bhai Jagraj Singh, the charismatic Sikh who founded the Everythings 13 Sikh mission and the 'Basics of Sikhi' Youtube channel, has died from cancer today (20 July) in the highest of spirits...
Sikhs donate over £100,000 in under three hours for Amritsar Visitor Centre Project
A live TV fundraiser for the Amritsar Visitor Centre, a project by Basics of Sikhi, saw a remarkable £110,000 donated in under three hours. Aired on 22nd January 2017 on the Sikh Channel...
Basics of Sikhi Founder, Bhai Jagraj Singh Diagnosed With Cancer
Basics of Sikhi founder and CEO Bhai Jagraj Singh has been diagnosed with cancer. The test have revealed that he has been diagnosed with stage four advanced cancer which has spread to...