In Sikhism, the equivalent of a valentine is a verse from Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh scripture, and is meant to deeply pierce the heart with spiritual love. Such valentines are known as “prem de teer“ or “arrows of love,” and are exchanged between lovers of the divine known as sakhis, who regardless of gender, are considered to be the soul bride sisters of the divine groom Waheguru.
This is accomplished in the manner of:
- Gurbani Kirtan – Singing hymns together.
- Naam Simran – Contemplating Waheguru as a group.
- Paath – Reading or reciting scripture as a group, turn by turn.
- Gurbani Tuk – The sharing of lines from verses of scripture.
- Kathaa – Explaining the meaning of scripture.
- Itihas – Sharing stories about the gurus.
- Saakhee – Sharing inspirational stories.
- Vichar – Spiritual discussions.
- Sewa – Selflessly serving.
Exchanging of “Prem de Teer” is encouraged and may be enjoyed at any time, day or night, without being restricted to any particular day, or any special time of year.
In the scripture of Guru Granth Sahib, a composition by Guru Nanak Dev advises giving up the ego to experience the ecstasies of divine love:
“Ja-o ta-o prem khae-lan kaa chaa-o”||
If you desire to play the game of love,
Sir dhar ta-lee g-alee me-ree aa-o||
Then take your head in hand, and step onto My path
Et maa-rag pair dha-ree-jai||
When you place your feet on this path,
Sir dee-jai kaan na kee-jai||20||
Lay down your head, and pay no attention to public opinion.” ||20|| SGGS 1412
Sikhism love letters can be sent any time of year. You can send one right now and share a divine valentine with someone longing for spiritual love. Just select a verse from Gurbani and post it here.
Edited from About Sikhism