Sikh Volunteers Australia launches FREE FOOD VAN for Homeless & Needy


Started by Sikh Volunteers Australia, the Free food van, which takes its inspiration from the popular Guru Nanak’s langar, was launched yesterday at Lynbrook Community Centre in Melbourne.

Serve Humanity, the van will be piling on the road distributing free hot meals especially to homeless and needy.

SVA free food

Various local council dignitaries joined the inauguration event and delivered their speeches. Local MP Jude Perera, Cr.Steve Beardon, Cr. Rex Flannery, Cr. Amanda Stapeledon and many more community leaders and volunteers joined the event. They were later honored by Lakhwinder Singh, president of Sikh Volunteers Australia.

The van will be serving food to the needy at various locations in Casey council. According to their Facebook page, the first round of free food will cover below locations:

– Narre Warren Station Carpark – 6:00pm arrival to 6:15pm departure
– Hampton Park Shopping Centre Carpark, at the phone booth – arrival 6:45pm to 7:15pm departure
– Lyall Street bus stop, in Cranbourne – approx. arrival 7:45pm to 8:00pm departure