Home News Sikhs SHAMEFUL: One injured in clash between two Granthis at Auckland Gurdwara

SHAMEFUL: One injured in clash between two Granthis at Auckland Gurdwara

SHAMEFUL: One injured in clash between two Granthis at Auckland Gurdwara

In an embarrassing incident for Sikh Community, one Granthi Singh was slashed in the face with Kirpan (religious knife) after an altercation at Otahuhu Gurdwara Sahib in Auckland on 9th January 2015.

Police were called to the Otahuhu Sikh Temple and confirmed that they had taken a man to the Manukau station after the incident.

The Weekend Herald has learned the altercation happened just after 6am.

According to eye-witness Vicky Singh, 24, who was praying in the gurdwara, said he heard two men shouting and he rushed to the back of the Gurdwara building.

According to sources, Sukhchain Singh serving as Granthi at Gurdwara Otahuhu was one of them injured and his face had slash wounds and blood was dripping down. Reportedly Sukhchain Singh was preparing list of Akhand Path duties while he had a conflict with other Granthis. As a result, the other Granthi attacked with kirpan over him which badly injured his face.

Sukhchain Singh was taken to Moddlemore Hospital and the attacker Granthi has been arrested by the police. Sukhchain Singh is

According to information available, both the Granthis/parcharaks has recently come to New Zealand via the sponsorship  of Supreme Sikh Society of New Zealand.

A kirpan, a ceremonial sword or dagger carried by baptised Sikhs, is believed to have been used in the confrontation.

The whole incident has been condemned by the Sikh Community in New Zealand.

Source – NZ Herald