Meet Reuben Singh who matches Rolls Royce to his turban

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While we struggle to match our tie with our shirt, a London based businessman has taken it all to another level.

Photos of Sardar Reuben Singh matching his turbans to the colour of Roll Royces have been doing rounds on social media leaving many in awe.

Someone made a racist remark against him recently. One thing led to another and a bet was laid between them for charity. The bet was that he could not match his cars to the colour of his turbans for seven days. As evident in the images before you, he managed to complete the challenge. This occurred less than a month ago and culminated in a donation being made to charity.

This prompted Sardar Reuben Singh to match all seven days of the week at work in a Rolls Royce with his turbans.

While in his early 20s, Sardar was hailed as the ‘British Bill Gates’, founding the Miss Attitude teen fashion store in the 90s.

He was force to sell the store for a shocking £1 pound and lost control of his second business, alldayPA, to his parents.

Singh was declared bankrupt in 2007 with debts of over £11 million.

Then between 2007-2017, he worked hard to successfully regain control of alldayPA to once again become the CEO of the company. In 2015 he took back control of the alldayPA.

Today Mr Singh is the CEO and owner of Isher Capital and alldayPA Group that employs over 500 people

Needless to say, this turban challenge has garnered a lot of love on the internet and support and best wishes are pouring in for him from all parts of the world.

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