In a tragic incident, a 31-year old Punjabi woman, Ravneet Kaur was struck by the vehicle in a car park in Prospect last Thursday.
The victim was rushed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a serious condition after being struck by a Toyota sedan at the North Park shopping centre just after 10am on Thursday. She succumbed to her injuries today.
A man and his sister have been struck down by an elderly driver while grocery shopping at Prospect. Witnesses say the woman was dragged through the car park for several metres and sustained serious stomach injuries. @ElspethHussey7 #7NEWS
— 7NEWS Adelaide (@7NewsAdelaide) August 29, 2019
“They asking me where is mother, I tell them, mum goes to the sky, to the stars, you can see in the stars, she will be there,” her husband Bhupinder Singh said.
The driver of the Toyota – an 82-year-old North Adelaide man – was taken to hospital for assessment.
It is understood the man is assisting police with their inquiries.
The woman’s death brings the state’s road toll to 78 this year, compared to 48 at the same time in 2018.
There have been 14 pedestrian death on South Australian roads to date this year, compared to 4 at the same time in 2018.