Hundereds of students of Punjabi University, Patiala on Thursday barricaded Patiala-Rajpura Road for around 45 minutes yesterday, demanding in protest against the makers of upcoming controversial movie ‘Nanak Shah Fakir’.
The makers of the movie are facing flak from Sikh community for human representation of the first Sikh Guru Nanak Dev in the movie.
The students also handed over a demand charter addressed to chief minister Parkash Singh Badal through the Patiala sub-divisional magistrate (SDM).
The students demanded that the government must impose a complete ban on the movies related to Sikh gurus.
“The government and Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandakh Committee (SGPC) must act strongly against the makers of this movie as the director has violated norms of Sikh community,” the students said.