Chandigarh – As per the directions of Jathedar Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara, Five Singhs under the leadership of Bhai Satnam Singh Khandewala, held a meeting with representatives of various jathebandis at Gurdwara Sahib (Shahpur) in Sector 38B, Chandigarh, on October 18 to plan for the proposed Sarbat Khalsa at Talwandi Sabo on November 10.
Prominent Jathebandis which took part included the Akhand Kirtani Jatha, HSGPC, Dal Khalsa, Shiromani Akali Dal 1920, Singh Sabhas, Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar, Panthik Talmel Sangathan, Akali Dal Delhi, United Sikhs, Missionary colleges and seva societies. Several Sikh scholars and panthic leaders, including Giani Kewal Singh and Balwant Singh Nandgarh, both former jathedars of Takht Damdama Sahib; Bibi Jagdish Kaur, 1984 victim, Paramjit Singh Sarna, former president of former Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, and Sukhdev Singh Bhaur, SGPC, General secretary, also took part in this meeting.
A number of speakers from overseas also joined the meeting via video conferencing and shared their views. Amongst the overseas speakers were Bhai Harinder Singh USA, Bibi Majinderpal Kaur from United Sikhs, Bhai Jagraj Singh ji from Basics of Sikhi and
Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara, who was appointed Akal Takht “jathedar” by organisers of the Sarbat Khalsa 2015, had recently made an announcement from the jail that the congregation should be held under the leadership of Panj Pyaras and not “jathedars” of various Takhts, who were appointed during the Sarbat Khalsa last year.
During the meeting, several noted speakers shared their views on the institution of Sarbat Khalsa. As they discussed the vidhi-vidhan of the Sarbat Khalsa, many speakers also expressed their dissatisfaction over the working of previous Sarbat Khalsa organizers.
“There should be rules determining qualification, procedure of appointment and dismissal of jathedars. Moreover, rules should be in place to decide nature of responsibilities jathedars have to perform”, Bhai Harinder Singh said.
After the meeting, the Panj Singhs who had facilitated the gathering, issued a press note announcing formation of 11-member committee of Sikh scholars to finalize the vidhi-vidhan of Sarbat Khalsa.
The committee comprises of the following scholars:
- S. Karamjeet Singh (Chandigarh)
- S. Harsimran Singh (Anandpur Sahib)
- Harinder Singh (USA)
- Bhai Narayan Singh Chaura (Sikh political prisoner)
- S. Tarsem Singh (Dharam Prachar Committee, DSGMC)
- Advocate Jaswinder Singh
- S. Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke
- S. Gurpreet Singh (Central Singh Sabha)
- Mastar Harbans Singh
- Prof. Baljinder Singh (Amritsar) and
- S. Baljeet Singh Khalsa.
Addressing media persons, Bhai Satnam Singh Khandewala said that the committee would soon finalize the draft for Vidhi Vidhan.
SAD (A), UAD, Acting Jathedars keep distance