Home News Australia Now Rickshaws launching in Melbourne CBD

Now Rickshaws launching in Melbourne CBD

Now Rickshaws launching in Melbourne CBD

Melbourne, 8 Sep 2014 – CITY workers could be hailing a rickshaw instead of a taxi from as early as January.

An application has been lodged with Melbourne City Council to operate as many as a dozen of the pedal-powered machines.

It is hoped they will ease congestion and prove a drawcard for tourists.

A trip from Federation Square to the MCG would cost less than $9 for a pair, and operators say during peak hour it could be quicker than a taxi.

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Bike Cabs founder Tom Collins said the business aimed to capitalise on fares that taxis refused in the CBD.

“Taxi drivers often dislike short-trip fares. I think most people will agree that industry could definitely do with some more competition,” he said.

The company has a fleet of customised bikes that even charge mobile phones with pedal power.
If the application is successful, the business would begin running Monday to Friday from 6am to 6pm.

Fit university students who know the city would be employed to ferry people within the City of Melbourne, which includes South Yarra, East Melbourne and Carlton.

Today Bike Cabs will launch its campaign through the site Pozible to gauge public interest.