New Book on KPS Gill Titled “The Butcher of Punjab” Released

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AMRITSAR – Sarab­jit Singh Ghu­man penned book titled “The Butcher of Punjab” was released by Gi­ani Jag­tar Singh, the Head Granthi – Dar­bar Sahib, pop­u­larly known as The Golden Tem­ple at Akal Takht Sahib on Tuesday.

Dal Khalsa leader Sarab­jit Singh Ghu­man, who has been chron­i­cling in de­tail the deeds of Pun­jab po­lice of­fi­cers who killed Sikh youth with im­punity in the decades gone by, pro­filed the life and ex­tra­or­di­nary mis­deeds of KPS Gill in this new book -The Butcher of Pun­jab.

The book with 352 pages has the list of police officers allegedly responsible for human rights violations. It has stories of forced disappearance during the militancy period.

Gi­ani Jag­tar Singh re­leased the book by pre­sent­ing a copy to Paramjit Kaur Khalra – wife of hu­man rights de­fender Jaswant Singh Khalra. The sec­ond copy was given as a mark of re­spect to Beant Singh, the brother of Gen­eral Shabeg Singh.

Pre­sent at the re­lease cer­e­mony at Akal Takht Sahib, Dal Khalsa leader Sat­nam Singh Paonta Sahib com­mented that “Gill was a sym­bol of state ter­ror­ism. He en­joyed full im­punity from the po­lit­i­cal es­tab­lish­ment from Delhi to Chandi­garh.”

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