Home News Australia July 1 onwards New Minimum Wage Rate applies for Australians

July 1 onwards New Minimum Wage Rate applies for Australians

July 1 onwards New Minimum Wage Rate applies for Australians

Every year, the Fair Work Commission External link icon conducts a wage review. They look at the minimum wage and decide whether it should change.  Any changes to the minimum wages start to apply on 1 July every year.

Make sure you know your rights if you’re new to working in Australia.

Australia’s workplace laws apply to most people working in Australia, including migrants, international students and visa holders.

That new national minimum wage for full-time adults is $16.37 an hour, or $622.20 a week. Casuals get an extra 24% an hour – $20.30. These are the minimum amounts that apply and you are likely to be entitled to more depending on the job and industry you’re working in.

Check FairWork.Gov.Au for more details about this