Home News Australia Indian taxi drivers to outnumber Australian-born

Indian taxi drivers to outnumber Australian-born

Indian taxi drivers to outnumber Australian-born

This multicultural milestone will be the first time that Australian-born workers in a major occupation have been outnumbered by workers from a single overseas country since the Australian Bureau of Statistics has kept records.

While Australian-born workers make up less than half of all workers in low-paying, manual professions like sewing machine operators and clothing trades workers, Australian is still the most common nationality among those employees.

However the most popular country of birth of automobile drivers – made up of cabbies and chauffeurs – is set to become India in the next year.

And it has meant adjustments for both taxi passengers as well as the taxi industry.

In an Australian taxi, getting from A to B is only one part of the service.

“One of the other things we’ve found is particularly where English is a driver’s second language, it was easier for (Indian drivers) to not really to be engaged in the banter and the communication that you might expect out of an Australian-born driver,” said Blair Davies, CEO of the Australian Taxi Industry Association.

“I think that frustrated some Australians who were used to jumping in a cab and talking generally about things with their cab driver.”


Dr Yadu Singh, the President of one of the country’s Australian Indian Associations, also recognises that the traditional Indian approach to service has not always worked well in Australia’s taxis.

“Indians generally will keep to themselves. They will do the job and do it politely,” he said.

“They are not psychologists, they are not counsellors, so they don’t actually start a dialogue. However, they will take part in a dialogue if the other person is doing it.”

Conversation aside, the taxi industry has had to tighten regulations to improve the basic skills of this large influx of new drivers.

“Without a doubt it took the industry a while to adjust to the influx of Indian taxi drivers,” said Mr Davies.

“They were coming into the industry with a different skillset and we needed to adjust the training programs to build on the strengths that they had and address any weaknesses.”