Home News Community News Indian Migration Agent barred for 5 years for fraudulent conduct

Indian Migration Agent barred for 5 years for fraudulent conduct

Indian Migration Agent barred for 5 years for fraudulent conduct

MELBOURNE – On 20 March 2018 the Migration Agents Registration Authority decided to bar former agent Mr Jasdeep Singh Chug (former MARN 0640066) from being registered for a period of five years. This follows the Authority’s investigation into one complaint in relation to Mr Chug’s conduct while he was registered.

The Former Agent’s registration expired on 5 December 2017. The Former Agent has not lodged an application for repeat registration since the expiry of his registration. While registered as a migration agent, the Register listed the Former Agent’s trading name as Waves Consultancy with an ABN of 37122101222.

The MARA Authority is satisfied that the Former Agent held a conflict of interest in facilitating a client’s employment for the purpose of applying for an employer sponsored permanent visa and failed to identify and manage the conflict of interest and failed to act competently, diligently and fairly in the client’s matter. The agent knowingly submitted fraudulent information to the Department in support of the client’s visa application in relation to the genuineness of the nominated position and failed to advise the client of the impact on his visa application when the Department cancelled and barred the sponsor.

He repeatedly undermined the integrity of employer sponsored visa programs which demonstrated a willingness to disregard the law and to act contrary to the Code and the professional standards expected of a registered migration agent.

The Authority found that the Agent breached clauses 2.1, 2.1A(d), 2.1B, and 2.9 of the Code of Conduct for registered migration agents.

A copy of the MARA decision is available with SinghStation Media


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