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The Gurbani refers to various species of trees, eulogising species, which are useful to mankind. The Gurus inferred that it is not the girth, size, or beautiful flowers that determine the significance of a tree but it is its usefulness that makes it important for mankind. That may perhaps be the reason that “Simbal”, a huge tree with big attractive colourful flowers, did not find favour with them.

“Simbal rukh saraira,
att deeragh att much,
Oye je awae aas kar,
Jaye nirase kit,
Fal fikke ful bakbake,
Kum na awae patt,
Mithat neevein Nanaka,
Gun changayian tatt.”

This sloka from the Gurbani says that though the tree of Simbal is a huge tree and has big colourful flowers that attract birds, they go back disappointed as the flowers lack nectar. Even the leaves of the tree are of no use. It is not the huge size but humbleness that marks usefulness.