Home News Australia Hindu leader urges Australia to put ‘Multi-faith centres’ in hospitals

Hindu leader urges Australia to put ‘Multi-faith centres’ in hospitals

Hindu leader urges Australia to put ‘Multi-faith centres’ in hospitals

zed-rajanIn a press release issued by Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, president of Universal Society of Hinduism based in Nevada, USA, urged the Australian government to set up “multi-faith centres” in all hospitals throughout the nation as an initiative to support religious equality.

The announcement is contained in a press release following a plan of the Collin Barnett’s government in Western Australia to open a $1.2 billion Perth Children’s Hospital next year.

Zed said that having a multi-faith centre at the children’s hospital would make a neutral place for meditation-prayer-worship-reflection by diverse faith.  This would be a step in a positive direction, he added, noting of many world-class hospitals in many countries around the world  have multi-faith centres.

Zed further said multi-faith centers would be a highly appropriate place to reach out to God in time of need adding:

[box type=”note” align=”aligncenter” ]All hospitals in Australia should be equipped with multi-faith centers providing resources to the faithful of all major religions and those with no religious affiliation, where patients/families/staff could turn to and feel at home in the moments of suffering/grief/loneliness/difficulty for quite-time/prayer/reflection/spiritual-support and seeking hope/peace/comfort/healing/courage.[/box]

He did not specify, however, any formal petition or dialogue being undertaken on the matter.