Home Gurblog #GurmatBibek – 8 reasons to wear a Hazooria

#GurmatBibek – 8 reasons to wear a Hazooria

#GurmatBibek – 8 reasons to wear a Hazooria

A Hazooria refers to the scarf like material worn by Sikhs. The word Hazooria derives from the words Hazooria or hazoor meaning “Being ready; being in presence.”

There have been many maha-purkh (spiritual elevated persons) who have worn a hazooria, most of us don’t know the real significance of the hazooria, and why we should wear it.

In the biography of Baba Harnam Singh Ji (Rampur Khera Wale), it describes a mystical experience which Baba Ji experienced and had the blessed vision (darshan) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in his spiritual/mystical form and instructed him teachings about Ardaas and the wearing of the Hazooria. Below is a excerpt from the relevant chapter:

Baba Harnam Singh ji Rampur Khere wale

“The great Guru [in the spiritual form of Guru Gobind Singh Ji] then ordered Baba Ji to tell the sangat on his behalf that, “Whenever someone comes to pay their respects to Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then that person should have a hazooria around their neck. The old gursikhs used to keep a hazooria with them. If one is doing Ardaas with the hazooria around their neck I listen to them with great care and attention. A hazooria is a symbol of humility and servitude to the Lord Almighty. If a gursikh cannot keep a hazooria all day then he should wear it at least when coming to pay respects in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This pleases us.” (Page 357 – “Se Kinehiya”)

If a gursikh cannot keep a hazooria all day then he should wear it at least when coming to pay respects in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

This pleases us.” Baba Ji related both these orders from the great Guru to the assembled congregation. The doubt about who can perform Ardas and whose prayer is heard was dispelled.


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