Home News All four Sikhs acquitted in 4 years old Patiala Bomb blast fabricated case

All four Sikhs acquitted in 4 years old Patiala Bomb blast fabricated case

All four Sikhs acquitted in 4 years old Patiala Bomb blast fabricated case

Patiala, Punjab (August 12, 2014)— On 12th August, the Patiala Session Court Judge Pushvinder Singh, overturned the Police accusation that Harminder Singh, Manjinder Singh, Gurjant Singh and Jasvinder Singh had planted a bomb blast injuring 7 people in Arya Samaj Chowk in Patiala. Harminder Singh, Manjinder Singh, Gurjant Singh and Jasvinder Singh have now, all been acquitted in this case.

The Police first registered this case in April 2010 under Section 3 and 4 of the Explosives Act. The following day, SSP Ranbir Khatra made a statement that the blast occurred due to an electricity short circuit. However, some eight days later the police spun a much more sinister story in which they claimed it was actually a terrorist attack. In July 2010 the police raided the houses of 4 innocent Sikhs who were arrested and charged under the Explosives Act.

Mr Baljinder Singh Sodhi, lawyer for the defense, stated that he had said from day one that these four men were being framed in highly imaginative story, spun by the Police.

It is worth noting – we often find that numerous cases are placed on Sikh political prisoners, to keep them behind bars for decades. This is certainly the case with Harminder Singh, Manjinder Singh, Gurjant Singh and Jasvinder Singh who have numerous other cases pending.

SOPW has been supporting these four sikhs throughout their ordeal and needless to say we will continue to do so.