New Delhi: The second round of the Jat agitation in Haryana shows no sign of slowing down as protests entered their 20th day on Friday. Yashpal Malik, leader of the Akhil Bhartiya Jat Aarkashan Sangarsh Samiti (ABJASS) which is spearheading the agitation, said they will observe February 19 as ‘Balidan Diwas’ (Sacrifice Day) for those who died during last year’s Jat agitation.
Speaking to News 18, Malik claimed that over 25 lakh Jat youths will hit the streets in protest on Sunday across Haryana.
“Last year, many of our young Jat protesters were martyred when the police took action against them. On Sunday, we will remember them by observing Balidan Diwas. There will be simultaneous protests across all districts of Haryana on that day. In Rohtak alone, we will manage to bring over five lakh people together to remember our martyrs,” Malik said.
He alleged that the BJP government in Haryana was not “serious” about meeting their demands. “Our demands are quite simple. The first demand, which had brought these young men to the streets, is the demand for reservations for the Jat community. We also demand that the cases filed against protesters from last year be withdrawn. Those who are in lodged jails should be released.”
The BJP, meanwhile, denied the allegations. Haryana BJP president Subhash Barala said, “The charge that we are not serious about meeting the demands of the protesters is simply not true. However, we cannot simply withdraw our cases against everyone. Due process of law needs to be followed in this regard. We have also been reaching out to members of the community and are trying to resolve the deadlock.”