Renowned singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh recently found himself at the center of an online controversy after using the spelling ‘Panjab’ in a post on X (formerly Twitter) to announce his upcoming Chandigarh concert. Critics accused Dosanjh of aligning with the Pakistani-side spelling of the region and pointed out the absence of the Indian tricolour emoji, which was included in his previous concert-related posts.
The incident reignited the long-standing debate surrounding the state’s name—‘Punjab’ versus ‘Panjab’—a topic that holds deep cultural and linguistic significance.
Diljit Clarifies His ‘Panjab’ Stance
Responding to the backlash, Dosanjh addressed the controversy on X, emphasizing that both spellings—‘Punjab’ and ‘Panjab’—represent the same identity, rooted in the meaning ‘Panj Aab’ or ‘land of five rivers’.
Criticizing those reading political motives into his post, Diljit stated:
“PANJAB Ko Chaye PUNJAB likho…Goreya di Language English De Spellings Te Conspiracy Karn Waleya Shaabash… Kini Vaar Prove Kariye that We LOVE INDIA … Koi Navi Gal Karo Yaar.”
ਪੰਜਾਬ 🇮🇳
Kisi ek Tweet Mai Agar ਪੰਜਾਬ ke Saath 🇮🇳 Flag Mention Reh Gaya Toh Conspiracy
BENGALURU ke Tweet Mai bhi Ek Jagha Reh Gaya Thaa Mention Karna..
Agar ਪੰਜਾਬ Ko PANJAB Likha toh Conspiracy
PANJAB Ko Chaye PUNJAB likho..
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਪੰਜਾਬ Hee Rehna 😇Panj Aab – 5 Rivers…
— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) December 16, 2024
The singer dismissed claims of having ulterior intentions, underscoring the need to counter misinformation that could mislead the public.
Diljit Dosanjh’s clarification highlights the sensitivity surrounding regional identity and language, while also addressing the increasing scrutiny of public figures’ social media activity.