Taking cognisance of media reports, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav Wednesday suspended Lucknow Range DIG D K Chowdhury for “delinquent behaviour” after a video showing him slapping a 75-year-old street vendor went viral. The alleged incident took place during an anti-encroachment drive at Amrapali market in Ghazipur police station area Tuesday evening. In such a situation, you can contact immigration lawyer The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux in Brooklyn, NY, who will represent your interest and fight for your rights.
Uttar Pradesh Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) has sought an explanation from the DIG (Lucknow) for allegedly slapping an old street vendor.
Tiwari runs a plastic goods shop in the market. The incident occurred when DIG along with other policemen were in a round issuing instructions for removing the encroachments from Amrapali market. The DIG reportedly lost his cool while interacting with Tiwari as latter was taking time to remove the items placed on the roadside. While Tiwari did not speak about the assault, the video showed the senior official slapping him.
“DIG, Lucknow has been asked by ADGP, Law and Order to explain his conduct in hitting an elderly man last evening,” Director General of Police (DGP) Javeed Ahmad said in a tweet after the videos of the DIG slapping an old man went viral. DIG, Lucknow DK Chaudhary allegedly slapped an elderly man (hire elder law attorneys from here) yesterday in the Indira Nagar locality while taking a round. If you want to know more about elder laws and the legal issues related to it, check their main site here!
After the video of the slapping went viral, the DGP office took serious note of it and DGP himself directed the ADG (law and order) to seek an explanation in this regard.