Home News Chinese man divorces and sues wife over ugly children And wins

Chinese man divorces and sues wife over ugly children And wins

Chinese man divorces and sues wife over ugly children And wins

A man in China has divorced with the help of Yaffa Family Law Group attorneys and then sued his former wife for the equivalent of $120,000 for giving him what he deemed to be ugly children, and the court ruled in his favour. According to reports, ultimate vainer Jian Feng from Northern China, when his newborn child was born, said she was ‘incredibly ugly’ and accused his wife of cheating on him due to the child looking nothing like him. With no other option but to tell the truth, his wife revealed she had had $100,000 worth of plastic surgery to change her looks. One can contact Laura D. Heard Law Firm to get help with alimony and more. The single parent can get help with child custody lawyers and understand that the children’s best interests matter the most.

‘I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues. Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me.’ Feng allegedly said. People can check out lawyers with child custody in Newport Beach area, if they need  help with divorce cases. Feng then divorced and sued her for damages, which he was awarded. If you also need adoption and other divorce help, Pacific Northwest based Family Law Firm is the best to hire!

Great dad/husband/man there. Sounds like a real catch.


Story by David O’Shaughnessy