Home News Bhai Pal Singh France undergone surgery to treat Skin Cancer resulting from Police torture

Bhai Pal Singh France undergone surgery to treat Skin Cancer resulting from Police torture

Bhai Pal Singh France undergone surgery to treat Skin Cancer resulting from Police torture
Bhai Pal Singh at Guru Nank Dev Hospital, Amritsar after Surgery

According to SOPW, recent tests taken from a sample of skin from Bhai Pal Singh’s thigh confirms that he has developed Bowens Disease which is a form of skin cancer. Bhai Pal Singh had for many months been complaining that a wound that he has received during police torture (where electric currents are used to inflict excrutating pain on suspects) was not healing and was in fact getting worse. The complaints to jail staff were for long not taken seriously but after pressure from SOPW lawyers and his family, a skin sample was finally taken by doctors and sent to a specialist laboratory who subsequently diagnosed the condition to be Bowens disease.

Bhai Pal Singh at Guru Nank Dev Hospital, Amritsar after Surgery
Bhai Pal Singh at Guru Nank Dev Hospital, Amritsar after Surgery

Bhai Pal Singh was arrested in 2010 and a false police case of RDX possession was registered against him despite the fact that he maintained he had never engaged in any militant activity. He was however well known for his work in raising awareness about Sikhi and had travelled from his home in France where he was permanent citizen to preach Sikhi in the rural villages of Panjab, he had also taken a notable stand against the controversial issue of the French dastaar ban.

Along with Bhai Pal Singh’s family,  SOPW team have fought hard to ensure the illness that he has developed is dealt with promptly and by the best possible doctors who have a solid understanding of this condition.

Two days ago Bhai Pal Singh was operated on at Guru Nanak Dev Hospital where the effected skin was removed from the thigh and sent away for further examination and a skin graft was taken from his other thigh to fill the loss of tissue in the affected thigh.

SOPW understands that this operation was successful and Bhai Pal Singh is currently recovering well from this initial stage of surgery even with the constant presence of the over zealous armed police guards who stand right over him in case he attempts to escape, whilst it is obvious that both his legs are in plaster and he is not even able to sit up independently.

SOPW will continue to monitor this case closely as it is always a concern that the cancer may have spread to other parts of the body but we will keep you informed of any developments, meanwhile we prey for the chardi kala of Bhai Pal Singh and hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.

Source: SOPW