Home News Sikhs Bhai Gurbaksh Singh forcibly hospitalised; Hunger Strike still On

Bhai Gurbaksh Singh forcibly hospitalised; Hunger Strike still On

Bhai Gurbaksh Singh forcibly hospitalised; Hunger Strike still On

AMBALA, Haryana – Contrary to the news published by Hindustan Times, Bhai Gurbaksh Singh has not broken his hunger strike and still in chardikala in Ambala Civil Hospital.

Bhai Gurbaksh Singh is in his 59th day of hunger strike, however he remains in chardi kala despite serious health complications.

He was forcibly picked up by Haryana police this morning and taken to Civil Hospital where his x-rays and other health check-ups were conducted.

Bhai Amarjit Singh Gill Secretary General, Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (‪#‎GerakSikh‬) Malaysia NGO, Amitoj Mann Film Director and Punjabi Singer Harbhajan Mann just met Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa at Ambala Civil Hospital. This is what he said –

”Just met with Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa in Ambala City Civil Hospital where he was hospitalised late yesterday evening after his health deteriorated due to hunger strike for the last 57 days. Amidst heavy Police and Commando presence at Hospital. Bhai Sahib told AMarjit Singh Gill that he has not broken his fast yet contrary to the Punjab government media statement. Bhai Sahib and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) have confirmed that Bhai Sahib is still very much on hunger strike and will not take any food. CMO have given his word to Bhai Sahib that they will not force any food on him. This is what we witnessed while we were there. Bhai Sahib asked us to convey this message through social media. 


Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa also sent a message asking all to continue the preassure towards the Indian Government.

In absence of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, Bhai Gurpyar Singh continues Hunger strike at Gurudwara Lakhnaur Sahib . Gurpyar Singh did Ardas after Bhai Sahib chose him to continue Morcha while being forcefully taken to Hospital.  After Ardas at Gurudwara Sahib, Siropaos were given to Gurpyar Singh.

Lets pray for his good health and his Peaceful Mission for Justice and Human Rights.