Home Featured Basics of Sikhi Founder, Bhai Jagraj Singh Diagnosed With Cancer

Basics of Sikhi Founder, Bhai Jagraj Singh Diagnosed With Cancer

Basics of Sikhi Founder, Bhai Jagraj Singh Diagnosed With Cancer
Basics of Sikhi founder and CEO Bhai Jagraj Singh has been diagnosed with cancer. The test have revealed that he has been diagnosed with stage four advanced cancer which has spread to his liver and is inoperable.
Better known for his “Street Parchar” Bhai Jagraj Singh started several initiatives in 2012 to raise awareness of the Sikh faith.
This news has come as a shock to us all and we’re sure the Sangat will have lots of questions and messages for Jagraj Singh. During this difficult time we request Sangat to respect the privacy of Jagraj Singh and his family. Please leave your comments on this post rather than private messages as he may not be able to answer. Your blessings and Ardaasan are gratefully welcome,” Everythings 13 team stated in a press release.

Bhai Jagraj Singh shared the following message with his followers:
“Only SatGuru Ji can give or take life away and they are never wrong, only perfect. In all the Seva that Guru Ji allowed me to do of his beautiful Panth, I’ve made many mistakes and I ask forgiveness from the Sangat. If the Guru’s message has touched you and you feel it’s the truth, I urge you to follow that truth and become a GurSikh as none of us knows how long we have left. Please do Ardaas that Guru Ji gives me a place in his Charan and keeps my family and the Panth in Chardi-Kala. May the Panth flourish, even if I am finished, this is pure joy for me.”
Sikh Sangat worldwide is asked to do Chaupai Sahib jaaps and ardas for Bhai Jagraj Singh’s chardikala.