Home News Community News Australian Sikh Games Ban 5 Kabaddi players for doping violations

Australian Sikh Games Ban 5 Kabaddi players for doping violations

Australian Sikh Games Ban 5 Kabaddi players for doping violations

The Australian National Sikh Sports and Cultural Council (ANSSACC) on Friday announced the names of 5 players who violated anti-doping rule in the recent Sikh Games held in Sydney.

In a recent media release, ANSSACC in partnership with Sydney Committee released the names of kabaddi players who were found positive of drug doping test.

Summary of Drug Testing Results

  • In total 37 tests were conducted across the three days (Friday 9 tests, Saturday 18 tests, Sunday 10 tests)
  • 36 of the 37 tests were conducted on a random basis and one test was initiated by an opposition team upon lodgement of objection.
  • Two players from the total 37 tested positive to the use of prohibited drugs that are outlined in the ANSSACC Drug Policy beyond acceptable levels.
  • Additionally, three players refused to participate in the drug testing process – two of those players were selected randomly and one player was initiated by an opposition team upon lodgement of objection.
  • Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Sports Club Woolgoolga initiated two tests of opposition players.
The players that who tested positive were found to have levels
beyond the acceptable levels for either or both Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) ‐ Cannabis and Opioids. However, as explained by Astro Eight, small amounts of TCH can be used for medical issues.
Athletes who tested positive or refused to take the test were
– Khushdeep Singh Gill from Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Kabaddi Club, Woolgoolga
– Balvir Singh from Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Kabaddi Club, Woolgoolga
– Balvir Dulla from Young Kabaddi Club, Melbourne
– Mangat Singh from Singh Sabha Sports Club, Melbourne
– Gurwinder Singh from Singh Sabha Sports Club, Melbourne
In accordance with the ANSSACC Drug Policy the following actions will be applied by ANSSACC:
Player that has tested positive the following will apply as per
section 6.3.1 of ANSSACC Drug Policy:
– The player’s club will pay $200 per test;
– The club will be fined $500 for every positive test and lose demerit points as per ANSSACC’s disciplinary policy;
– The player will be banned for 15 months (effective immediately)
which means the player will miss the next Australian Sikh Games.
Player that has refused a drug test the following will apply as per section 6.2 of ANSSACC Drug Policy:
– Failing this compliance, a $500 fine will apply. The player will be banned for a period of 15 months (effective immediately) which means the player will miss the next Australian Sikh Games.


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