Home News Community News Ardaas Ceremony for completion of Sikh Grammar School Sydney

Ardaas Ceremony for completion of Sikh Grammar School Sydney

Ardaas Ceremony for completion of Sikh Grammar School Sydney

Sydney, 4th October 2014 – The Sikh Grammar School Management Committee Sewadars with the support of Australian Sikh Sangat hosted Naam Simran and Ardaas ceremony for seeking the blessings of Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji for the construction start and completion of building project of the school.

baba-ranjit-singh-dhadhrianwale-at-schoolAt the event, Baba Ranjit Singh ji Dhadhrian wale led the prayers and sought the blessings of the Guru for the successful completion of the Sikh Grammar School. He congratulated the Sikhs of Sydney for putting in the hard work for this community project and urged everyone to contribute wholeheartedly to this project.

Bhai Sham Singh ji, one of the main sewadars of this project explained about the land purchase for the School. He also told that the first phase of construction will begin with construction of primary wing of the Sikh Grammar School.

This school is a community based, not for profit institution open to all. Donations can be made at their website: WWW.SIKHGRAMMAR.COM by Visa/Master credit/debit card or by cheque or bank draft in the name of Sikh Grammar School Australia drawn.

Further information can be obtained by visiting www.sikhgrammar.com

You can also email to: info@ sikhgrammar.com.