American Sikh Bhai Resham Singh released from jail

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After spending nearly one and a half month in jail, Bhai Resham Singh, US Citizen, who had travelled to attend November 2016 Sarbat Khalsa, was released from the jail.

He was arrested by Indian authorities on November 4, 2016, when he arrived at the New Delhi airport for sedition regarding Sarbat Khalsa’ 2015.

Voices for Freedom, a US based human rights organization has raised a petition for the safe return of Bhai Resham Singh from India and had gained more than 5000 signatures so far.

In a press release, Voice for Freedom had previously stated that the arrest and detention of Mr. Singh was illegal and in violation of both Indian law and international treaties that guarantee freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom from torture and due process.