SinghStation 24/7 Radio

SinghStation Radio brings you 24/7 Gurbani Keertan & Katha tracks from across the best Keertanis and parcharaks.


AUSTRALIA: 02 8080 5104
USA: 563 999 3917
UK: 0330 606 1300
CANADA: 867 675 1521


We have tied up with and Winamp, which provide smartphones application so that you can listen SinghStation 24/7 Radio live at anytime on your mobile device or tablet. Download the application for your phone and search for SinghStation Radio.

You can listen to live radio online in the website without downloading any application.

If you’re using a mobile device (like as a smartphone or a tablet) then we recommend using the TuneIn App to listen to SinghStation Radio.

You can also listen to SinghStation Radio on TuneIn using your desktop/laptop computer or even using selected connected devices such as smart televisions.

 Get the TuneIn App 

Listen with TuneIn on your computer 

SinghStation RadioSearch in app store for Winamp & install it and then click Shoutcast and search for SinghStation Radio in that application. You can also mark as your favourite in Shoutcast.