Mumbai – Over 13 years, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who was facing a lengthy prison sentence for a fatal hit-and-run, got a reprieve when the Mumbai High Court tossed out his conviction.
The High Court said he can’t be found guilty based on the evidence presented.
“On basis of evidences produced by the prosecution, the appellant cannot be convicted, no matter how differently the common man thinks,” the court said.
Justice Joshi, who retires on December 19, also asked the Bandra police station to return Khan’s passport. The Bombay High Court began hearing Khan’s appeal against the sessions court’s order in July.
The high court observed that in a criminal trial, the burden to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt was on the prosecution. “In this case, considering there were various witnesses (in the case of prosecution), there were shortcomings in terms of not recording evidence of necessary witnesses, and omissions and contradictions of injured witnesses. This raises doubts on the offences the accused has been charged with,” said Justice Joshi.